Sunday 18 December 2011

Wishing you all a wonderful festive period and look forward to seeing you back in 2012!

Every year at Oxbridge we celebrate the festive period with a Christmas concert. We do our best to involve the whole Oxbridge family including students, teachers, admin staff, management etc.

2011 has been no exception and we were treated to amazing music, festive treats and thought provoking addresses.

2012 promises to be another exciting year for us and our students with plenty of positive change and more stimulating and exciting developments. Bring it on!

Wednesday 14 December 2011


Forget nostalgia! Walking in the school for my second year was the exact opposite of what I expected (the same old building with different people). 

The first thing that hit me in the face was the new school multipurpose court! Finally! SPORTS! 

Team Spirit, Competition, Sweat, Running around and even INJURIES! All the endless excitement that comes with sports plus an opportunity for students to add something extra to college applications. All I could think was, 'Wow! Oxbridge really listened to what we wanted'.  NO MORE UNIFORM FRIDAYS! A new tradition with the new Friday polo shirts.  A little extra surprise were  the upgraded classrooms. My personal favourite is the 'Wole Soyinka Classroom'. 

The huge Wole Soyinka face on the wall is bound to inspire everyone every school day; a symbol to remind everyone to keep working hard to achieve greatness. The classroom changes don't just end with the paintings on the walls. 

Oxbridge has removed those ancient white boards and embraced the technology culture with the new interactive boards. The wonderful world of interactive learning! In seconds, teachers can now show us vivid examples on the board with pictures and diagrams in seconds. Less time  trying to understand a map that looks like a yam and more time understanding what the teacher is talking about! 

What are all last year's graduating set saying? "Wish Oxbridge did all that while we were there!" Oh well, Lucky 2011/2012 set!

The new generator can also not be missed! With the old generator causing a lot of hassle and discomfort, Oxbridge continued the tradition of putting the students first and bought a bigger and more efficient generator for student's comfort.


Kofo is a student in the college. 
She is as a budding poet and has written a lot of critically 
acclaimed poems to her credit, many of which are enjoying wide 
reading attention online. 
She enjoys reading, writing and cooking!


Monday 12 December 2011

We've got our own Youtube channel!!! Set up by an alumni member Nchedo Ajulu I'll be keeping an eye on this ;-)

Here are a couple of videos to wet your apetites. I'd love to see more Alumni members sharing their experiences with existing and prospective students! Maybe even some of those who are a few years deep in their careers?? Lets get some insight into your various campuses. Show us the things you love about the UK? Your student unions!! Food for thought........

We held our first Oxbridge Alumni event last weekend and what a success! Sadly I wan't there in person, but from what I've been told by various parties it was a great event. Good to see old faces, lots of catching up and importantly, strong commitment to what we're trying to achieve with the alumni.

The day started with old friends catching up over some drinks in the dining hall. Key members of staff and students, old and existing, presented to the audience. Many ideas were exchanged and we look forward to seeing many of them come to fruition.

As soon as the formalities concluded a handful of existing students took the old students on a tour of the grounds just so they could see how much has changed over the years.

All in all we're all over the moon with how things worked out. We got so much more than we expected and we're looking forward to seeing where this exciting road leads!

Saturday 10 December 2011

Hello again! V exciting to be a part of the OxbridgeTC Alumni Blog! I'm Tolu Ogunsanya, son of Dr. Ogunsanya and a Director of OxbridgeTC.

I've been working hard this morning to set up various ways for you to stay up to speed with goings on.

You can either subscribe to our blog here, Sign up for Feeds or follow us on Twitter. I'm working of Flickr, Facebook, Linkedin etc so keep an eye out for those. Why so many options? Different strokes for different folks! I want to make sure anyone can keep up to speed in a format they are comfortable with and that works well for them. Don't worry about missing out on anything if you only follow one format. They all feed directly into each other so you won't miss a thing!

Lastly Nchedo Ajulu, a founding Alumni member based in Liverpool has exceeded our expectations and set up a Youtube page. X students telling us how their lives have developed after their time with us in Nigeria. As I said when I started V exciting and I look forward to seeing where this journey takes up!



Just a quick test to finish setting up feedburner and twitterfeed!