APEN (Association of Private Schools in Nigeria) was hosted by the college in a seminar entitled “Transforming Education in Nigeria”. A collaboration between Incubator Africa and Profound Learning Institute, Canada.
The main speaker, Tom Bradley, spoke on the imperativeness of a brand new educational system in Nigeria which he aptly called, System Transformation as against the usual practice of improving a faulty system. According to him, this is the current global challenge. Going down memory lane and citing facts from recent research works, he based his view on the following premises:
- The possibility of a school achieving 100% pass rate
- The fact that research has shown that high school grades do not necessarily translate to success in life.
- The fact that our current educational system has not achieved the purpose it is meant for (to generate joy and wealth).
- The fact that the current educational system has been deficient in coping effectively with the complexity of our ever -dynamic information age.
Thereafter ,Tom challenged the participants on the imperativeness of creativity, taking learning to the ambiance of the learners, creating the right learning environment, where teachers themselves are not only impacted on the need for change, but to also be learners themselves.
In conclusion, the speaker introduced the sets of models which his organization, Profound Learning Institute, Canada, has developed which he would like the participating schools to imbibe and accommodate, within the reality of their own peculiar situations. This workshop will hold sometime in September, 2013.

Oxbridge hosts seminar on Educational Transformation in Nigeria